Post Malone Gives Steve-O A Penis Face Tattoo

Jared Martin
Post Malone Gives Steve-O A Penis Face Tattoo Post Malone Gives Steve-O A Penis Face Tattoo

Steve-O, the comedian and stunt performer known for his outrageous antics and unapologetic humor, has added a new piece to his collection of tattoos. And, as you might expect, it's a doozy.

The latest addition to Steve-O's body art is a face tattoo, courtesy of none other than Post Malone, the rapper and singer known for his own eclectic style. The tattoo, which takes center stage on Steve-O's forehead, has sparked a mix of reactions from fans and critics alike.

Some have praised the unique design, which appears to be a dick above his eyebrow as a bold statement piece that only Steve-O could pull off. Others, however, have expressed shock and disbelief that someone would put a tattoo in such a prominent place.

But Steve-O, whose real name is Stephen Glover, has never been one to shy away from controversy or public scrutiny. In fact, he's built a career on pushing boundaries and challenging expectations. From his early days on the MTV show "Jackass" to his more recent stand-up comedy specials, Steve-O has always been willing to take risks and challenge his audience.

The new face tattoo is just the latest example of Steve-O's fearless approach to life. In a world where many people are afraid to take risks or express themselves authentically, Steve-O is a breath of fresh air. Love him or hate him, you can't deny that he's true to himself and unapologetic about who he is.

Of course, not everyone is a fan of Steve-O's new tattoo. Some have taken to social media to express their disbelief and disappointment, with some even going so far as to call the tattoo "ugly" or "regrettable." But Steve-O isn't sweating it. In fact, he seems to be reveling in the attention, posting photos and videos of his new ink on Instagram and Twitter.

In the end, whether or not you like Steve-O's new face tattoo is a matter of personal opinion. But one thing is for sure: it's a conversation starter, and it's only the latest example of Steve-O's willingness to push boundaries and challenge expectations.

What do you think about Steve-O's new face tattoo? Let us know in the comments!


Alex baker

Bro stevos the man I hope he stays like this in his old age lol

David Fambrough

Cool!! Only someone from “Jackass” could pull that of!!

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