The Night to Remember: Bruins' $150K Bar Tab 13 Years Ago Today!

Jared Martin
The Night to Remember: Bruins' $150K Bar Tab 13 Years Ago Today! The Night to Remember: Bruins' $150K Bar Tab 13 Years Ago Today!
June 25, 2011, was a day that will be etched in the memories of Boston Bruins fans forever. It was the day the team won their first Stanley Cup in 39 years, defeating the Vancouver Canucks in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. But what happened after the final whistle blew is a story in itself – a tale of celebration, camaraderie, and a bar tab for the ages!

After hoisting the Cup at the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, the Bruins players and staff made their way back to Boston to celebrate their historic victory. And celebrate they did! The team descended upon the iconic House of Blues in Boston's Fenway neighborhood, where they took over the VIP area and let loose in style.

According to reports, the Bruins' tab included:

- Over 100 bottles of champagne (we hope they were popping corks, not heads!)
- Countless rounds of shots (because one is never enough, right?)
- Plenty of beer (because, well, it's Boston – the hub of craft beer!)
- And who knows what else (maybe a few rounds of "Sweet Caroline" on the karaoke machine?)

The total damage? A whopping $150,000! That's a lot of green, even for a team that had just won the Stanley Cup!

But the tab wasn't the only impressive thing about that night. The Bruins' celebration was a testament to the team's bond and camaraderie. Players, coaches, and staff alike let their hair down (or put it up, in some cases – we're looking at you, Tim Thomas!) and enjoyed each other's company, basking in the glory of their championship win.

That night will go down in history as one of the most epic celebrations in Boston sports history. It was a night that showed the world what it means to be a Bruin – to work hard, play hard, and party even harder!

So here's to the Bruins: may your future victories be just as sweet, and your bar tabs just as legendary! Cheers, Boston!

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